Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: - Any Good?

spacedragon1234 opened this issue on Jun 10, 2004 ยท 53 posts

steveshanks posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 2:13 PM

Up on my message momodot, for the link i haven't posted it on the site yet i'm lagging behind :o)....We'll be putting stuff up for the cartoon/anime figures, not sure when yet (as Lyrra says the list is longgggggg LOL) and i already have Natalia and just got Dina, though i must add i'm a bit baffled why the makers haven't made more clothes for these two, i know i would.....but thats another thread...As for the future, the new stuff, we won't be doing a M3 specific or M2 specific item any more, a male item will fit all Mikes and David (1 texture to fit all) and the same for the Vickys and Steph 3...Theres more but why spoil the suprise, :o) Steve