Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: - Any Good?

spacedragon1234 opened this issue on Jun 10, 2004 ยท 53 posts

SamTherapy posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 2:24 PM

Poserworld is a superb deal. Not only do you get tons of outfits for the DAZ figures, there are scenes, props, vehicles, backgrounds, textures (and you have to see some of the recent textures to appreciate how good they are), characters, you name it. Another thing which makes it even better for me is that it's one of the few sites which has stuff which is obviously British, such as the Train compartment, the litter bin ("trash can" for you colonials ;) ) Even the mousehole has a UK electic socket and plug. As karen1573 said, I will be buying a lifetime subscription ASAP.

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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