Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: - Any Good?

spacedragon1234 opened this issue on Jun 10, 2004 ยท 53 posts

Veritas777 posted Thu, 10 June 2004 at 2:40 PM

But have to say that as a big historical buff, Poserworld has done much more than anyone, including DAZ, in creating great, historically accurate characters and costumes. So much of Poser-Land is flooded with idiotic, weirdo stuff, but Poserworld has the kinds of costumes and support for good ol' M2 as well as M3, for my work as an illustrator. Poserworld has a great Cowboy, lots of military uniforms of various eras, Victorian Era, 20's era, 50's era, 60's era, 70's era, ETC, ETC. A real Gold Mine if you are into Poser as a professionally used application along with Photoshop. A tremendously valuable resource and I'm "re-upping" for a lifetime subscription.