Here is an example I just did. In UVMapper I deleted the areas above and below the red mark I showed in above template and then clicked TOOLS->ASIGN->MATERIALS and named it "Band". Then Exported the Obj out renaming it "HatBand" (**Very Imortant to Re-Name it!**). Then in Poser I clicked FILE->IMPORT->OBJ and **Un-Check** the boxes. The I brought in the original hat CR2 and dropped it to the floor (makes it easier to position the band. I scaled the band Up to %106 and positioned it on the hat. At this point you could save the Hat band to the Props Library as a 'Smart Prop' so you can clear the scene and reload the CR2 hat on the character's head and when you load your new prop it will auto position itself on the hat. Or just save the hat with the band pre-parented back into your character library with a NEW name (like WizHat-2). We'll get you there, let me know if I was unclear about anything ;p