Thanks for your support, guys Willf, i'd love to see what has be done for Poser before . You were talking about morphs and magnets . Lost Horizon Software did a extention to simulate morph targets in Carrara . Unfortunately, no demo version available . Anyone knows if it is good ? And magnets ... what's that really ??? I'll try the demo of Poser on the Carrara CD . Wilf, if you have something that could fit my needs, you can send me a mesh at . Thanks . Serge, i keep you in my "carnet d'adresses" ( don't remember the word in english ! ) and if i do the tut, i will recontact you . In fact, there is no way to do a step-by-step tutorial for that kind of job, just a kind of "lesson" to explain some of the techniques involved . I'll grab tuts for Raydream ( "free-form modeller", right ?) to find inspiration ... So now here is the weird technique i was talking about : duplicate the head . edit a new master . delete all the part of the head where there will be no hair . subdivide twice . decimate twice (i use distance) to give irregularities . name vertices . subdivide . deselect . select the named vertices . scale them up ( i used x:130% y:150% z:200% ) . move the selection to the back of the head . you can rotate it if you want . select all and crease edges . back in the assemble room, apply the bend and twist deformer . to edit the mesh, insert a blank vertex object, then select the two objects and boolean them . The result is so-so, what do you think ? At least this technique can be used to deform meshes and give them irregularities . litst