Forum: Complaint & Debate

Subject: What the heck happened to the Al Gore T-Shirt??

timoteo1 opened this issue on Nov 11, 2000 ยท 7 posts

timoteo1 posted Mon, 13 November 2000 at 2:29 PM

Charlie: Yeah, well in-between cleaning our guns, promoting racism, and using our wealth to keep the poor down, we also like to create things in Poser and Bryce. Mostly people toting shotguns, killing people, and in general blowing things up. But hey, at least we're creative. ;-) DISCLAIMER: I know Charlie picked up on the heavy-handed sarcasm since he is an intelligent guy, but for those of you not so swift, I AM BEING VERY SARCASTIC. Although, you are right ... just look at the movie industry. Republican actors -- except for a very few like Arnold and Mel Gibson, whom the liberal Hollywood "mega-blockade" can't touch -- are actually afraid (literally terrified of losing their livihoods) to "come out of the closet." There were a few really good articles on this a while ago. But for some reason, most "artsy" type people tend to lean towards liberalism. (They also tend to have Macs ... another pet-peeve of mine ... but that's another whole flame-athon!) My guess is it has to do with that whole McCarthy era and everything (blacklisting of suspected communinsts) back in the 50's. Things like that take a LONG time to be forgotten. People like this feel the need to be able to express their artistic freedom, and they see conservative/Repubs as "THE ENEMY." Which strikes me as hilarious/sad in this day and age when Dems seem to advocate more censorship than the Repubs. Again, just my 2 cents ... and then some. -Tim