Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Wanted: Spaceships

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 08, 2004 ยท 54 posts

gps posted Wed, 08 September 2004 at 5:23 PM

If you have a look at my gallery you'll see that I'm working (very slowly) on a model of the Battlestar Galactica (remember the TV series from the 70's?)- attempting to duplicated the detail level seen on the original studio miniature.

In order to do that, I literally have to model the plastic kit parts that were stuck on to create the detail in the first place. By now I have quite a lot of these virtual 'kit bits' and it occurs to me that I could use them to cobble together some generic vessels - assuming that you're after that 'knobbly' ILM/Star Wars style.

Obviously the detail level would be well down on that of the Galactica, maybe around 5-10,000 polys, so that multiple ships could be used together. I'm thinking maybe the space fleet equivalent of Moebius87's dystopia city blocks - ideal for background detail, while still able to hold up under medium-close observation.

Freebies, obviously, with no commercial restrictions. Sound like a plan?
