Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Wanted: Spaceships

Byrdie opened this issue on Sep 08, 2004 ยท 54 posts

Byrdie posted Wed, 08 September 2004 at 7:19 PM

Spaceships on You need to sign up at the site -- it's free -- and have an e-donkey client and it might take awhile to download them but they have a package of 50 or so in .3ds and other formats. Many are from the movies but some aren't, now I have to sorting them out. Which oughta be fun, since I'm sure I wouldn't recognize anything that doesn't look like the Enterprise, Galactica -- yep, one of those there too but I don't think it's as good as Graham's version, we're talking ultra low file size here -- or an X-Wing. And they don't all have preview pix or a read-me file either. (I guess they assumed that wasn't necessary since the terms of use are on the download page.)