Make your image greyscale and then to to Image -> Mode -> Duotone. Then you will get to choose monotone, duotone, tritone or quadtone, you get to choose your colors and you can manipulate the grey tone to color conversion through the graphics thingamathingy (forgot the right word there...). You have to try to see what it does... You can only save as eps for use in Quark or InDesign. These days I make more and more DCS files. Then you get to manipulate the different seperations, and are you not bound by the grey tones in deciding where you want the color to go. A red flag in a black and white photograph for example. To achieve this you have to experiment more, but it starts with making extra alpha channels and double click them to make them an extra spot color. Most of the time I start with a cmyk file, to pick out certain colors in certain areas, to manipulate selections and masks to make alpha channels. The soccer players you see here are a nice example to use just black and red in a newspaper ad, and still look rather natural and full color. While a duotone is printing the two color over each other. If you choose Pantone colors, it is very smart to import the file in your lay out program (InDesign would be best if you ask me) and use the color that comes with the file in the colors palet for other parts of the document that should appear on the same color separation. Good luck!