Mathman, Crescent is right. Morphmanager is displaying the internal name of the morph, rather than the dial name. I just got the pack to see if I could reproduce your problem (I'd wanted it anyway, just to transfer the smiles). I did exactly what you did, and there was no dial channel listed for the morph. I then looked in the delta file to see what the internal name was, copied that, and it worked fine. The Open Smile morphs on the set corrospond are as follows: PBMCC_##, where ## is the Open Smile number. So youd' transfer PBMCC_01 for the OpenSmile01 morph. THe SmileClose morphs start at 26, so PBMCC_26 would be what you'd transfer for CloseSmile01. Here's David with V3's CloseSmile01 applied.