Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Mike 3 Undies?

Byrdie opened this issue on Oct 31, 2004 ยท 20 posts

pdxjims posted Sun, 31 October 2004 at 8:29 PM

Attached Link: Mec4D

The texture is Marius (for M2) by Catherina Hardis at Mec4D Studios. She doesn't have anythin gup for sale at her site right now, but you might try to contact her through her site. I converted the texture using the UTC available at Daz. It is an M2 texture, and you'd have to convert it. The morphs I used are from the CDI Brom available at Daz. They are wonderful. Catherina hasn't released anything for a while. Is she still around here at all. She does the best texturing work of anyone. Catherina, Quim, and SteffyZZ over at ZetaStudios are my favorite texturers.