Mac, this may be too much work if you have already set your cr2s up, but perhaps worth considering for future projects. The idea is to use "ghost" actors in the cr2. Geometry and other stuff can be injected into (or cleared) from these ghost actors, and because they are part of the same figure parenting is not a problem, it can be set up in ther cr2 before the geometry is injected, and the parent can be changed to any other actor in figure at the same time the geometry is injected by using "smartparent" ("parent" does not seem to work via pose files). OK, here goes with the geometry injection. The cr2 (attached above) has 6 actors: BODY BASEpart sparePart-1 sparePart-2 sparePart-3 sparePart-4 The ones we are most interested in are the "sparePart" actors, like any normal actor they occur in at least 3 places in the cr2. In the declaration block as empty declarations. In the definition block, here all the channels that may need to be used must be included, but can be in abbreviated format, here also the actors and channels are hidden. Finally in the "figure" block as "addChild" statements. In the cr2 all actors are parented to the BODY actor. Note that all the geometry is added as "objFileGeom" or "geomCustom". Attached above is the text of an example cr2 "GeomInj.cr2". In the following posts I will attach pz2 files to inject geometry and other things.