1. Yes you can use the atmo editor to make fog gather at high altitude. Once you move the 'Fall off ' slider in the 'altitude dependent fog' box, , you get the option to choose high or low . But I find it rather tricky.
Usually I'd prefer using a volumetric material.
In the quick render above I used a big cube with vol mat.
- I'm not sure I understand what effect you want to achieve with hues. I assume you want some effect on the mountains.. so:
You cannot apply a gradient to the sun color for it is only solid. Of course VuePro allows editing lights/shadows and choosing 'variable color' is a possibility but again , I find it easier to tune this feature on spots or point lights..
Sun being directional, the effects are not easy to grasp..
Also, you could try a colored gel on the light.
First terrain is lit with a 'variable color' spot, the other is lit by a spot with a gel.
There are certainly other methods...:)
hope this can help