:chuckle: I know Gregg. And Steve Perrin (and his wife). I've gamed with Steve. I've also gamed with George MacDonald and most of the guys involved with the Hero system. I've gamed with a lot of the guys from TSR. I've also gamed under (gasp) Arduin rules with half the crew from that system, but not, alas, Dave himself. I've role-played since 1978 (D&D), but prefer to game master under Hero System. I've made my own worlds. You'll find *my* name on the AD&D Core Rules Vol 1 CDROM (a couple hundred inventory items). One of the reasons I was chosen to do the inventory items is that I'm a stickler for authenticity. You'll also find my name listed as artist and designer on a few dozen other games and game products over the last 15 years. My degree (with honors) is a Special Projects Major in Early Scandinavian Culture. I don't mind people raiding my cultural background, as long as they know what they are doing. Carolly Hauksdottir