Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Katherine, (curious_labs) you said you'd answer all IM's...

tyd2 opened this issue on Mar 14, 2005 ยท 92 posts

tyd2 posted Tue, 15 March 2005 at 9:32 PM

"So if I say "I believe God exists" it means I'm not certain God exists?"




In this case my belief would be my "mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something", not my uncertainty about something.

I make the assumption that when people tell me they "believe" something, they "have confidence in the truth or value" of the claim. You obviously choose to interpret them as being less certain, "to have an opinion; think". Yes, there is ambiguity. (quotes from

No, it is not hard to educate oneself. The effort would provide you with benefits above and beyond the simple purchase of software online.

Actually I have studied most of the subjects you mentioned, as part of my Degree and my Advanced Certificate in Business Programming. Must've missed the one subject that explains this particular price discrimination... But anyone who says surviving the boredom of economic theory is "not hard" is a better man than me ;)

So, thus far, we have dealt with several potential reasons for the additional cost, all of which are representative, and none of them have anything to do whatsoever with the trade agreement.

...and none of which explain why I should pay more to download Poser 6.

1 - Currency exchange rates
I am asking, nay, begging to pay in $US. Let me and my bank worry about these costs.

2 - infrastructure costs
Same for me to download as anyone else.

3 - 3rd Party fees
Isn't it the same 3rd party we're all dealing with? If the discrimination comes only from them then it's costing them sales and it's a bad business choice.

4 - currency handling costs
See 1.

5 - UK customs rules...
Speaking of education, Australia is not part of the UK ;)

I'm hearing lots of theories and waffle, but I'm still waiting for the smoking gun. Just itemize the price of the software itself (the same for everyone), plus the other costs that bring it up to the price Australians are being charged for the download. Not economic theory, not hypotheses, not "potential reasons", not vague, unidentified "other ones as well", but the actual, factual costs involved in the specific purchase I'm talking about.

Just show me what they are and I'll be happy to pay them.

Earilier in the thread you speak of never lying down in the face of unfairness.
I'll respond to that with pick your battles carefully.

Hey, all I'm doing is typing words to try and make a point, it's not that much effort. Trust me, I have enough in reserve in case I need to fight any real "battles". And it's kind of fun to spar...except with XENOPHONZ, who's just a compassionless NeoCon who can't keep to the point ;)

"Af [sic] for saying that you called them a thief -- yes. And I can do so"
I was just taking the piss. Actually, you didn't:

"It might also educate you on the potential trouble that could be garnered by calling Digital River a crook in a semi-public record..."

Doesn't accuse me of anything directly at all :)