Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Change in TOS...New Child Image Guidelines

wheatpenny opened this issue on Mar 21, 2005 ยท 425 posts

Qualien posted Mon, 21 March 2005 at 8:31 PM

(Dang, I can't write fast enough to keep my venting current with the posts! Oh well, here goes...)

Ok, one more time:
Top 10 workarounds for the new restrictions:

  1. Go to Poser Hair Room and put beards on all children, giving the impression that they are old (I know this will work because I have a beard and people can tell I'm old).
  2. Move Rosity from Tennessee to France, where the women and children wear no pants, and it's legal, I think.
  3. Use Carrara to create Fake ID's for all children, and post these in the Free Stuff section.
  4. Yeti children. (Thank you Rowan Crisp!!! Yes, their hair will hide their sin, the sin of their humanity, or humanequeness, or humanoidness, whichever comes first (no pun intended).)
  5. Perhaps someone in a more enlightened country will open up an alternate forum for us to post our images.

Perhaps. Yes Now that I think about it, yes! Some country without so many MadMother Witch Hunters, impervious to reason in any form. Some country with neither G.W. Bush or the ACLU.

Am I the only one who thinks: Suddenly, the US has come to seem a place eaten up by the opinion hated. "Blue/Red, Right/Left who's side are you on?" (Yes, I probably am.) But, just maybe, the truth is not so bipolar and one dimensional.

"We create deviancy, we create predators, by misguided methods of trying to stop them..." Speak for yourself, pinky. Maybe you create them, but I never created a single one. Your philosophy is long-discredited Marxist environmental determinism. Who are you, Richard Lewontin's girly boy? May I say, in the spirit of this thread, that you suck and that's sad.

Now, do I have a 5.?