Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Change in TOS...New Child Image Guidelines

wheatpenny opened this issue on Mar 21, 2005 ยท 425 posts

jcbwms posted Thu, 24 March 2005 at 7:13 AM

Christian Science is not classified as a cult by any major religious organization. Nor is ba'hai, nor Latter Day Saints, nor Jehovah's Witnesses. Many people like to think of them as cults, but then many people are for more ignorant of religion than they realize. And ignorance is a normal state -- ignorance is the simple and irefutable state of not knowing. It is, however, often confused witht he term ignoramus, which is a person of little or no intelligence. Don't confuse them. Embrace your ignorance and work hard towards reducing it. Ignore the ignoramus - who will be offended by this. Christian Science is a "modern" faith that has some unusual aspects, and is directly responsible for many of th foundation laws and ideals that led to the recent involvement by Congress in the flordia case. Scientology is a large, religiously classified group founded on the principles developed out by L. Ron Hubbard, a science fiction writer and contemporary of Asimov, Heinlien, and Bradbury (all of whom had a yearly card game until Hubbard became what was described as "too into his own lie" by one of the other three [and it has been attributed to all of them but never confirmed by any of them]. Scientology has a great many wealthy adherents, all of whom contribute to the movement, and those contributions are invested fairly well and utilized effectively. Sientology, like any other orgnaized religious or philosophical movement, has a great many detractors, and is frequently accused of various sinister activities aginst those who denounce it. In light of that, I will now need to subject myself to a rigorous cleansing in prepartion of my next session in an unending attempt to become Clear. (think it will fool them, or should I get new locks for my doors?) As noted above, there is no longer any simple way for anyone to know which religious movement is correct. Therefore, if you believe that there is indeed an afterlife, it behooves you to follow all of them equally and at the same time, resulting in immediate spontaneous combustion and discernation of the truth of the matter for yourself. Me, I'll wait and see.