My first Modeler was Strata back in '97 (I switched to Ray Dream when MC bought out Fractal) and while it was never a great modeler it had one of the fastest Ray Tracers on the market (important when rendering on a 133MHz system!). Strangely enough, in the March Mac Addict magazine was the demo for CX, which I've been playing around with. I wouldn't give up FormZ or Modo for it but it certainly seems to have a large chunk of what is on the Bryce wishlist. The image cap below shows some of the CX demo index and shows some of the features that might be of interest to Brycers. The SDS is not nearly as good as Wings (much less Modo or Silo) but it does offer "old school" fixed polygon modeling which is pretty good. Getting just the render and image effects stuff into Bryce would certainly bring it into the 21st century.