Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Texture Tutorials

Acadia opened this issue on Mar 30, 2005 ยท 17 posts

Acadia posted Wed, 30 March 2005 at 2:48 PM

Quote - Unless I'm mistaken, when you said you can't always get the clothes to fit, stupidest_login_ever thought that you were not matching morphs on the figure. That's what the Tailor is for.

Ahhhh,I misunderstood :). I put that program in my wishlist to buy with my April Poser budget. > Quote - When you apply in the Pose room, you're using MAT files someone else has prepared. That's fine for something quick, but you're losing a lot of power and you're at the whim of the creator.

Yes, I realize that, which is why I'm so bored with Poser. I'm used to having free reign in what I do from working in a graphic program. At the moment I find Poser stifling and limited; largely because I use other people's items, and my lack of understanding of all rooms other than the Pose room...and even then I don't use everything in that room either. Poser is a very hard program to learn. > Quote - Furthermore, if you want to make textures yourself, you're going to have to know how to apply them, and if you want to distribute you should know how to make MAT files.

Yes, you're right. While I would be able to add colour and texture in PSP, I have no clue on how to save the files in the right format. That's something else that confuses me. These file extensions are foreign to me and while I know where to put them so Poser can find and use them, I really have no understanding of the files themselves; how they work, or how to make them. Someone had made a post but I see they have deleted it :( It did give some very good advice. Essentially suggesting that I'm not doing anything with what I do render in Poser. That I should be looking to see how Poser can be used to accentuate other means of artistic creativity in 2D graphics. He/she is right. I'm so bored with Poser at the moment that it doesn't spark any creativity within me, so I just render the images and distribute them to some graphic groups as PSP tubes. They're all ecstatic to have Poser images to work with, I'm happy that they're happy, but I'm left unsatisfied because I'm not using the left side of my brain; the creative part. > Quote - Here is a Material Room Tutorial . Read (view) it in good health.

blinks wow! Lots of arrows. I'm going to print that off and spend some time looking at it and working along with it this evening. It looks like a very thorough overview of the material room, and I'm glad to see based on the attendance in that thread, that I'm not the only one who finds that room mind boggling :) > Quote - Texture mapping is alot of fun. What you need to get is the UVMapper software.

Is that how you make the templates to texturize (like those offered at daz's site on the items' pages?) Thank you for all of the replies. It's given me a number of solutions and some things to think about that I hadn't considered. I'm not going to give up on Poser yet, but I do need "more" than what I'm doing now because I feel like I'm working on an assembly line and just doing the same thing over and over and over...

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi