You can save a pose for the morph in post #7 if you use 'Include morph channels in pose data', because even though the targetGeom channel is being controled by a valueParm channel (Poser don't save pose data for valueParm), the targetGeom channel will have the same value as the valueParm. But what if the valueParm channel is in the BODY actor? Poser does not save pose data for the BODY actor! You can have your custom trackingScale and save a pose for a valueParm in the BODY actor, but this does involve the use of ERC. In the file attached to this post I have placed a valueParm (FBM) in the BODY, it controles the 'targetGeom WideTop' morph in the 'square:1' actor. I created a dummy actor and placed a translateY channel in it. I linked this channel to the valueParm in the body. Poser will save the value of the translateY channel to a pose, and the valueParm will take on the value of the translateY when the pose is applied (because of the linkParms statement). So here you have it, custom trackingScale and saving a pose for a valueParm in the BODY. Of course the pose is actually saving the state of the translateY channel, but the effect is the same. The trackingScale has been set to 0.001, it is not necessary to use 'Include morph channels...' when the pose is saved, as data is being saved for a translation channel.