SanctumArtKitty ...jeez, there's just no bloody respect for these models..The Drone troopers are meant to be hard assed robots ready for battle,lol..thank's for the link. :) BryanSteagle is also the guy who did the Troll dance number that I'm talking about,but his video is no longer live. linked here: would be nice to see a Phenotypes number from him too eh...'Scythe lake'..hehe Helgard: "Stefan, what are you going to be doing with tubby/fatty? Does he have a name? A mission? A purpose? A release date?" fatty...AKA:'Hybrid' will be released sometime next was mainly an experiment in getting something with leg pistons working in Walk designer..and as a surface for some Zbrush fun. yes he does have a robotic eye & yes he does have something like that on his chest.there's a very early wip in my gallery...based on a design I sketched but never made for the CGTalk 'Machineflesh' challenge Cheers Stefan
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