I only thought I had it fixed. Now I'm back to the first problem. The right leg in this picture has ik off and the shin joint jumps up to mid thigh. If I change the joint so it's correct with ik off then I get that twisted bent backwards thing happening with ik on. I'm attaching the text for the foot because I think it's the problem though I'm not at all sure. jointZ rFoot_jointz { name rFoot_jointz initValue 0 hidden 1 forceLimits 0 min -100000 max 100000 trackingScale 1 keys { static 0 k 0 0 } interpStyleLocked 0 angles 45 -45 -125.776 156.015 otherActor rFoot:1 matrixActor NULL center -0.045139 0.0410396 -0.0107462 flipped doBulge 0 jointMult 1 calcWeights } jointX rFoot_jointx { name rFoot_jointx initValue 0 hidden 1 forceLimits 0 min -100000 max 100000 trackingScale 1 keys { static 0 k 0 0 }
"Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears
that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your
desk in midair."
Annie Dillard