No opacity will not solve your colours problem and now it start to be more complicated to explain but I will try. First of all to add some lights you can click on the tool distant lights (1). You can move it to the direction you want in the parameter window on the x, y and z axis. You also can set the intensity there. Set the direction and the intensity as close as possible to Bryce so that the dragon will get the same colour than in Bryce. The first step after would be that you try to alter the diffuse colour in the surface window (2) you need to alter all the different sections you want to change to get a nice result. For the second step If you still do not get the results you want you will need to alter the body map below the diffuse colour. The map is already a picture file that is stored in your computer. To find it you can perform a search in your system simply type in the name you can read below the diffuse colour. Some body part can also have different body maps and is you want to change them also you will need to find, and open them in your photo manager software to. You can use the paint program that comes with windows but it will be very limitated. If you have preferred software you can use this one ( maybe Phtoshop). As soon as you have the colour you want you can save it to the same directory but do not use the same name!!! At this point you will need to load your new picture file in Daz Studio. To do so you will have to click on the name below the diffuse colour. Choose the browse for image and load your newly saved picture. I know it is complicated and I spend lot of time learning all this myself but at the end it is very useful if you want to have some different render than everibody. Good luck and feel free to ask again if you need help. Jacques