Aye, it's a great scene setup, Swade! The remaining issues, as I see it, are : Still too dark. Torches are FIRE, and are much brighter than this. I hate to say it, but you need a new monitor, man. I can make out all the details now, but methinks that it probably DOES look bright enough on your screen. But it's just not, my friend. Composition issues : The pillar should either be smaller, so that the middle torch is fully visible, or the middle torch needs to be moved. What's happening here is that the pillar doesn't look like a pillar at all, but a side-passage in the back corner. Perhaps model a pillar, using booleans, and use a cylindrical shape instead of a cube shape, to help define it's pillar-ness better, and to give your eyes some curves to follow... ALL the torches should be using "Squared" falloff for their lighting, and be turned up much higher. The spider's legs' texture is way off the color scheme, and clashes with all the other materials. I would use the same shade of green-brown that is on the body, on this spider's leg materials. Matching those two will increase the realism tremendously. You cannot even SEE the hand on the left, in your image. The only reason I know it's there is because of : Another Auto-contrast of this image, showing how bright it should be. The reason I'm doing this is NOT to be insulting, elitist, or anything else. But this is an arbitrary test using the finest software around, and also using RGB mathematics. Your picture SHOULD be dark and scary, but the contrast between light and dark is a serious compositional issue for this image. The light areas should compliment and direct your eyes to the dark areas. At your level of brightness, we're talking about missing out on all the nice details and textures, and the hand, and basically it just looks like you made it on a dying monitor... I'd like to see this image shining in all of it's capacity, thus my ranting about the lighting!