It is a bit of thinking here. It looks in your screenshot that you have to work from a diapositive photograph. As far as I can see her hair would now be higher that her face. So in that case black it high, and white is low. I used your picture (I thing a larger original would be better) and treated it for use as a height map. The parts that should be higher, should be lighter than the lower parts. The grayscales in the photo are a start for that, but the shadows on the right side of the face would suggest that that part is lower than the light parts, so you have to compensate that. I also pasted some of her hair on the left to the right, to have some texture there. When you look at this slightly creepy photo and think about that, you will see why the eyes are much lighter (they would become 'holes' if they were as dark as they were) and why i tried to push that white collar back. Below I will post the inverted version, you might want to try which one works best, I think the one below. If you have a larger original and want me to redo this stuff, let me know. Good luck with the coin!