Forum: Carrara

Subject: Seriously rethinking upgrade (small rant)

nomuse opened this issue on Jun 21, 2005 ยท 11 posts

nomuse posted Thu, 23 June 2005 at 12:02 PM

Just thought I'd share this for amusement -- and so you guys could point out anything that is a clear PEBCAK error before I email it off again. //// OS 10.2.8, clean install, running on G4 AGP; Carrara4 demo (the majority also present with Carrara3, and with Carrara3 on G3 powerbook, and on above running OS 9.1 and 9.2) Vertex Room, UVeditor: Many of these are ways in which the GUI, particularly the preview window, does not behave the same as the other windows in Carrara. This is a minor caveil but it can throw a wrench into the modelling workflow when the buttons and behaviors change like that. 180' rotate of selected vertices (with shift-constrain) not possible; selection constrains to 90', but will go to 170' or 190' instead of allowing a clean 180'. Without constrain, of course, the resultant rotate is not precise enough. When planar mapping chosen in X or Y plane, the resulting map is oriented 90' to the model's axis. This is easily correctable with a select-and-rotate, but it is needlessly annoying. Control-Z is not undo; acts as Select All instead. When cylinder mapping is applied from within the UV editor, instead of having a seam one row of faces is wrapped around. These must be manually split (or, faster, is to export the model to Steve Cox's UVmapper, apply cylinder map, then re-import to Carrara to adjust the map.) Window has no memory; if window is rescaled, or "show all" or "use no texture map" selected, upon closing and re-opening editor defaults return. (It shares this behavior with many of the "pop-up" windws, at least showing consistency). Space-bar drag does not work in preview window. Camera in preview window rotates around center of box, not about a selection. Vertex Room, general: Duplication with symmetry STILL reverses the normals on the new polymesh. In Carrara4, the display makes it a little more obvious the normals are inverted on the duplicate, making it easier to apply a correction on the spot. Rotation does not constrain; no combination of shift, option, and/or command constrains rotation to a plane or to increments. This makes the rotation tool useless for all but trivial tasks. Crash when naming groups of polygons (unable to reproduce conditions -- suspect it involves naming across different polymeshes). It appears to resolve if "detach polygons" is used several times on the problem selection, with file saves between each. Crash when welding around a fresh polyline. Also unable to reproduce exact occurance. Both of these crashes dump Carrara immediately and completely, exiting to system. This may be happening when a closed polyline has been converted to an open one or vice-versa, and only resolves with deletion of most of the polyline. No way to combine more than one polymesh without exporting object file then re-importing. It is a problem because both duplication and create operations make a new polymesh, and polymeshes without a shared weld can not be edited together in the UVmapper. Vertex Room/Material Room (shading domains: Shading domains are not exported unless a shader tree is created for each one. Shading domains are exported with generic names (texture_1, etc.) rather than the names used inside the program. The only time non-generic names are exported is if no shading domains were created (or no shader tree created for the existing domains; in this case every group is given a usemtl statement with the same name (aka "g lFoot, usemtl lFoot") When object is duplicated in Assembly Room, identical shading domains on both duplicates are assigned new generic names on export. (Aka, if you have three domains on an object, and you make two duplicates, on export you have six different domains with generic names -- makes it very difficult to figure out which is which). The only way to avoid this is to never apply Carrara textures to a model you mean to export. Assembly room: Arrow-key nudge only works in the command-arrow mode -- moving a whole grid space. Otherwise, no nudge occurs (makes it rather useless for, you know, nudging.) No matter how many times the "nudge" key was hit the numeric position display never changed by even a fraction, nor did the object ever visibly move. Replication in assembly room reversed normals on every other duplicate. This occured some two times out of three when using multi-replicate functions, or multiple duplications. Misc.: The "convert to other modeller" pop-up window when you double-click a Poser import has a typo; "you will loose your" instead of "lose."