*"Rant mode There are three billion articles for V3. It's becoming ridiculous the number of characters, morphs, textures, shoes, clothes, and other assorted items for V3. Here, you have dozens of other figures living in cardboard boxes with a shoebox of clothing and noone will support them."* True, however the incredible wardrobe wizard python script for MAC/PC has made this a NON issue for me. I use M2 and V2 because i so utterly despise DAZ's "morph injection" system ive spent the last five days converting my V3 clothing to V2 and doing the same for M3 to M2. and lets be honest ,alot of the V3 stuff is very good and high quality so the Glut of V3 Content just means more stuff for me to take over to my venerable V2. BTW this leather out fit my CG clone is wearing in this pic was originally a V3 item!! now retasked for Mike2 **DEATH TO MORPH INJECTION** **LONG LIVE M2/V2!!!!!!** (and philc)
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