Oh yeah, you'll probably also want to work with one side mirroring the other so it's less fuss to keep it symmetrical. To do that:
- in edit mode, select all vertices, hit k-->knife (midpoints) and draw a line down the center of the object
- deselect all and box-select (b key) all vertices on one side (but not the center vertices) and delete them.
- in object mode, hit alt-d to create another instance of the object and immediately hit enter so it doesn't move.
- hit s, then x and hold control so it's scaled along x by -1 (it will be on the other side where the deleted vertices were and the same size as the original half)
to make it into one object again,
- select both objects in object mode and hit ctrl-j
- in edit mode, select the middle line of vertices (or all of them) and hit W-->Remove Doubles
- you may have to recalculate the normals in edit mode
Message edited on: 07/05/2005 22:22