ynsaen opened this issue on Aug 05, 2005 ยท 21 posts
RAMWorks posted Fri, 05 August 2005 at 10:17 PM
Actually I don't really salt my foods much at all. I love it but it's not good for anyone in as high a dosage that most Americans use. I'm more of a sugar freak and that's not good either. No, I'm the kind of guy when I go out to eat I ask for NO additional salt to be added to my food. If they ask why I simply say "isn't that what the salt shaker is for?" I've gotten food so badly, overly salted that I have sent it back and actually got the chef to come out and ask why I think his food was too salty. I said that if I wanted my food that salty I would use the salt shaker, it's too salty fix it or I'm out of here. He fixed it! What an ass!! Didn't go back there either!! Cayenne Pepper is the other Red Pepper I was thinking of. It's used in many a medicinal formula to heat the digestive track for better absorption of nutrients and it's very good for gassy folks. Warm those tummies up folks!! Drinking cold drinks and even flavoured drinks with food is not good either. Water only and no ice will help with digestion!! Living with HIV for 20 years teaches you what you should and should not do. I don't always follow my own advice but I know better when I'm indulging in what ever, potato chips from Trader Joe's are awesome, their Fine Herbs and Goat Cheese potato chips are the best yet. Low in sodium but not if you eat the entire bag..... Ooooops!! ;-) Yea, they are that good! All the best Richard ;-)~
---Wolff On The Prowl---