Thanks, Cindy! *whew* *wipes brow* LOL! wanna know what ya'all think about this. We were thinking about what Michelle our card should reflect our homepage. then she suggested that maybe two separate cards was better. Some of ya'all have also said to have it just focus on photography. what do you guys think? if it reflects our homepage, it'll be about more than photography. we did want Creative Adventures to be about our art as a whole. Photography is a huge part of that. But also, Kemal's 3D art is another part of it. digital art would encompasses kemal's 3D art, as well as our 2D art, photo-manips, and maybe even some web-design...all of which we could do. i dunno...we were talking about it a few minutes ago and kinda like the idea of it all being on one card. But we're not sure. can't decide. Whatcha think doing it this it reflect our homepage a bit more?