Smallworld, Open your obj. file (or other compatible file type) in carrara. Since it's coming out of Rhino I'm not sure about scaling but if I was opening a Poser file I'd use the setting shown in the attached pic. If you've already cut the objects into groups use the exact settings. If not you can change the red circled settings to single object for ease of editing. This opens your object in the Assembly room. double click on a portion of your object. If it's cut into groups it will open the GROUP object, or the entier object if only one object;s been loaded, in the Vertex Modling room. Perform your editing, hint the Untriangulate command is in the Selection menu, and return to the Assembly room. Use save as to save your model as an object. That's the basics. If you ahve any problems drop a line. I or one of the better Carrara hands will help. mike