I go with what i feel at the time. I put it though filters and all and post it in 2d. I do colleges of photos and post it here or 2d depin on how it looks. I post imageS that the only post work is resize it. Just do what you wish. You most like be wrong with what you feel. I posted images thinking maybe 3 or 4 people going to look at it but over 200 looks at it then I posted things that I work hard and long and thinking "this going to blow they socks off and I get 35 people to look at it lol. Just go with the flow of what you wish. But dont mind me I live in a surreal wrold and black is black and white is white. And a duck walks like a duck. here one with no post work; never post it thinking most people will not like it. It far out so I need not filthers @ redbeard I saw what you post in the gallery so I came here to see you image here both look good but I think you did good by posting what you did in the gallery.
what you see is not what you know; it in your face