Nameless_Wildness opened this issue on Oct 05, 2005 ยท 28 posts
cynlee posted Wed, 05 October 2005 at 3:57 PM
a not-so-mainstream musician & their design artist from NY got a hold of me through Photo-Genesis & my website & finally here at RR, requesting a photo that was already posted, to use for her CD cover.. sounded pro & sincere, so I went for it & was pleased with the final design... done deal now.. check's in the mail & she'll be sending a copy of the CD when released...
sorry to take away from the book Jimbo, didn't mean to steal the thread, but I've come so close before & lost it in the transactions that by now I was all but ready to give one away! but i am happy with the amount she quoted & hope it will generate more work since my name & cynlee-studios is credited on the CD :]
Message edited on: 10/05/2005 16:02