Yes Paul thats it. I bet you've already made a few now, eh? Above is the IBL probe for my living room scene. So now help me figure a solution to a problem with this technique. The middle of the ball shows what is behind the camera. But to get good angle coverage, I need to move the camera REALLY far from the ball and then use large focal length to fill the image with the ball. So now the "front wall" of the scene is in front of the camera and it blocks my view of the ball completely. This only happens in render. For preview, I can see THROUGH the wall. Why is a one-side square invisible from the back in preview but visible in render? Even if I check "remove back-facing polygons" it still shows the back of the wall. I haven't published the tut yet because of this problem. So far I've just moved the front wall far away and scaled it to gigantic size so it still mostly fills the ball. Any stray areas that stay black I just smudge in with photoshop as a post-process step. But this is not a good workflow step and I want to eliminate it. Plus, there could be more geometry to that area of the scene that just a one-sided square so ... Any thoughts?
Renderosity forum reply notifications are wonky. If I read a follow-up in a thread, but I don't myself reply, then notifications no longer happen AT ALL on that thread. So if I seem to be ignoring a question, that's why. (Updated September 23, 2019)