Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT: Sony Under Investigation

Byrdie opened this issue on Nov 09, 2005 ยท 46 posts

kuroyume0161 posted Wed, 09 November 2005 at 3:26 PM

Sony is a Japanese corporation, so it must have been too much incense and sake (maybe bad blowfish). ;)

How stupid is this? This is like handing the world over to the crackers and hackers on a silver platter. Not only does the Rootkit compromise the entire computer (great for crackers), but it uses your internet connection to send data to Sony (great for the hackers). In other words, playing a Sony BMG CD on your Windows computer connected to the internet is an invitation for disaster! Not only do they provide an means to seriptitiously install malware (or worse), but they provide the avenue (right down your connectivity pipeline).

Who thought up this ridiculous idea? Forgot to add: whoever was responsible, I sure hope that they have a tanto or similar for seppuku...

Message edited on: 11/09/2005 15:30

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