Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT: Sony Under Investigation

Byrdie opened this issue on Nov 09, 2005 ยท 46 posts

Singular3D posted Thu, 10 November 2005 at 9:24 AM

This copyright protection thing sucks. Bought Star Wars III DVD in Europe yesterday and can't play it in my PC. Copy Protection prohibits this. Found out later that they have a data track on the DVD, where a Shockwave Flash Player is activated on autorun, which I didn't know, because I have this 'feature' deactivated (protects me from Sony). The Player plays your DVD on the PC, but it plays only in a small window (no stretching activated on my notebook's 1440 resolution) and the player supports only play, stop, fast forward and fast back. This is just ridiculous. Had to copy the DVD to be able to use a normal WinDVD and all it's features. This was the last DVD I bought. Poor people, who use Media Center from Microsoft for playing content. They will get into a lot of troubles in future. The pirates will not. There was only a small hint that the DVD is copyright protected, but no hint, that you can't simply use it on a PC or MAC.