Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: OT: Sony Under Investigation

Byrdie opened this issue on Nov 09, 2005 ยท 46 posts

StolenHeart20 posted Fri, 11 November 2005 at 1:16 AM

All those albums I bought just to learn to play 1 or 2 songs, I could have got for nothing. lol very funny cuz thats how i think i pay nothing for Nsync's Bye Bye bye track... just kiddin'

The Sony copy-protection software does not install itself on Macintosh computers or ordinary CD and DVD players lol.. oridinary cd and dvd players getting a virus? wow where has this world come to if that was to really happen..

which reminds me i brough this cool kick ass Sony PSYC CD player it comes with a cd to install a program that lets you creat Atrac3plus files .. from audio and mp3s and whatnot i hope they aint trying to pull a fast one using this product