Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: You know you're addicted to Poser when....

Acadia opened this issue on Nov 16, 2005 ยท 110 posts

drifterlee posted Thu, 17 November 2005 at 5:49 PM

You know you are adicted to poser when you notice that you have bought over 900 items from RR - not counting Daz and the other stores - in the last year, all on your charge cards. Now , since you've gone over the limit on those charge card (which they let you do because then they can charge you some outrageous overthelimit fee - they have upped your interest rate to 33 percent, which you can't pay. So now you are broke. Yes, you are addicted to Poser. yes, I see people and wonder how I can turn them into Poser people. Help me! I fallen and I can't get up, LOL!