Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: You know you're addicted to Poser when....

Acadia opened this issue on Nov 16, 2005 ยท 110 posts

diolma posted Wed, 23 November 2005 at 3:15 PM

I was in the town centre today, when a good-looking girl walked by wearing a rather short skirt, a fashion belt (one of those wide ones, with metal bits), and a top which left about 2 inches of mid-riff showing. In temperatures that would make a polar bear shiver! And what was I thinking as she walked past? It went something like: "Oh that's a nice victorian shop frontage. I wonder ... (interrupt-thought: Ooohh! she's a lovely lass! Must be cold tho' :end interrupt-thought) ...if it could be created from just Poser Primatives?" Cheers, Diolma