Yep. Sadly for Paula it's a nasty. see screenshot for where it's come from. The trojan drops 32wu5eil.exe into your windows directory . Both are varinats of the W32 trojan. As I type it's literally creating a copys of itself and these files.... b6n4tcbc.exe ejrxylx8.exe loadnew.exe It will write startup entrys in the registry so once you kill it once it comes back. All typical behaviour of the W32 family. shows a typical behaviour of this type of nasty. Before Paula gets a public flaming, it might not be her fault, looking at the page code before the browser crashed, theres nothing to indicate any form of active X dropper. So the infestaion is most likley on her hosts server and they need to fix that. Please remember it's easily removed with the right tools. It might take a few hours. Rosity can also take some preventive action by removing the link from Paulas article until it's been cured.
Pinky - you left the lens cap of your mind on again.