Forum: Contest Announcements

Subject: when will holiday contest results come in?

3rdimension opened this issue on Dec 20, 2005 ยท 63 posts

EmeraldSpider posted Wed, 21 December 2005 at 4:42 PM

"Contest Theme: "Holiday Greetings from the Past, Present & Future": Create a November/December holiday greeting animation that incorporates at least 1 element from the past, present or future." It's pretty clear to me...don't see how that could be misinterpreted. Sorry but this was stated in the contest rules yes, but several artists asked for clarification at the beginning of the contest and it was stated very clearly by and Admin that the contest rules were misrepresented and that you had to include ALL THREE concepts in your finished piece. Now a lot of artists on here actually make a living doing this, and it's not always about the winning but also a case of professional pride. Some will have turned down work to place considerable effort into entering a piece here, and when asking an Admin to clarify rules should be given the CORRECT answer. Not led up the garden path to spend multiple hours adding elements that not only are not needed, but ignored and don't gain you any reward for your efforts, while judging takes place. In fact the rules should be clear to begin with, yet some of the winning entries plainly DON'T include ANY elements. So my argument stands. To be honest not only should the winning entries at least included ONE element, the overall winner most definitley should have included ALL THREE. It's not as if you were short of entries including one or all three entries. Why mislead artists, for an art community that places so little regard for the time and effort taken to achieve what you ask, only to kick them in the teeth and disregard it come judging time. Why not simply if it was your intention to judge it this way, call it the Holiday Contest-and leave it at that. I will add this isn't about technical merit, art in it's self is down to perception. But when it states that certain elements are required, and you can plainly see for yourself that they HAVE NOT been included, how can we sit back and understand your judging. Now as I said winners can dismiss my arguments as sour grapes, and had I entered they would have been I suppose. But I didn't, I read the rules and took a step back to see how it would be handled, I was dissapointed, art communities that make money from artists should have more regard for our time and effort than they plainly do Ele