Forum: Fractals

Subject: Apoophysis or Art?

TonyYeboah opened this issue on Dec 20, 2005 ยท 96 posts

Deagol posted Tue, 03 January 2006 at 2:05 PM

It looks like this thread has faded out. Sorry, it's not over yet. I wanted share some experiences with you that might help you to understand why I say some of the things that I have said. I don't have a lot of experience with showing my images publicly, but I have had some. My first attempt was at a one day festival. The whole experience was weird for me because I had never tried to sell anything in public, let alone art that I was very unsure of. There weren't that many people there but I remember almost every face that came by. Everyone was very kind and polite. No one had ever seen anything like my images and they wanted me to explain what they were. None of them felt the passion that I did about fractals. They were more perplexed and intrigued than anything. I'll never forget a comment that one guy made. When I told him that they were generated on a computer, he said that he would just buy the software and build his own images, and he walked away. That guy makes me wonder, is building our own images all that we will ever amount to? Will anyone besides fractal creators ever enjoy fractals? I hope so and think so. By the way, I sold 2-1/2 images. One was Spirit of a Flower and the other was Flowers, which was my first flame flower composition. The half image was conned out of me for $5 at the end of the day so I don't count that one all the way. Also on that day, a very encouraging lady came by. She said that I was set up in the wrong festival and that I needed to find the right market. I needed to find 30 something rich people who were looking for home furnishings. She suggested that I set up at the gay pride parade. My next experience was when I had a display set up at a store in the mall during Christmas time. It was there for almost 3 months during the Christmas rush and I sold 3 images. The store owner said that it was a bad year for all of the art in the store. There's some lessons learned about the economy and market. I have a few more experiences but I am out of time for now. I hope that I am helping you to understand what I have been talking about when I say that I want fractal art to be accepted as marketable art by the general public. It really is a high impact experience to show your stuff to someone who could care less about how you feel about it. It's like showing home movies of your kids to a stranger. It provides a very different perspective.