yes Bryster that is correct. It is what Zhann said but also counts to those cats that are let go in the wild by uncaring people. @marc strangely enough there is no such breed of dog here called Australian Shepard. the sheep/cattle dogs we have here are the Kelpie, border collie, Queensland Bluee Heeler and the Red Heeler. I have no idea who or where the name Australian shepard came from..that breed of dog looks more like a kangeroo dog(Roo dog) to me. The image i posted is of a Queensland Blue Heeler(Blue Heeler) which have 5 different breeds of dogs in them including the Dingo, BullTerrier, Kelpie and a couple more that i can't recall at the moment.
I have opinions of my own -- strong
opinions -- but I don't always agree with them.