Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Jedi Gear For M3

Byrdie opened this issue on Jan 10, 2006 ยท 8 posts

Byrdie posted Wed, 11 January 2006 at 11:12 AM

Lyrra, may the Force be with you! Will drop you an e-mail a.s.a.p. Peelo, thanks, been there and made off with a whole bunch o' goodies. Also have the M2 robe from the freebies here but no way to convert it and the clothing room makes me wanna pull all my poor feathers out in sheer frustration, guess I'll have to use the Daz wizard robe instead, though the hood is (a) detachable and (b) not quite shaped right. Will also check out Xurge's site. Thanks everybody!