well, i think "gallery worthy" is a pretty subjective phrase. i have no idea if even a tiny bit of what i post is what ya'all would consider "gallery worthy." ya know what i'm saying? anyway, here's one i was working on just a bit ago and just finished. i really like it, but i already posted one image of it today...just a different perspective, different angle, and without the polarizer. i dunno if i'll post this one or not. i would imagine most people would consider this image boring, especially since i already posted one similar image of it already. i might upload it and not enable comments though. i took several others that i really like and plan to process. i guess it just appeals to my love of sci-fi. anyway, Kort...the image looks excellent to me, and i agree with Cindy...looks very much like a 3D render. i think it's beautiful and i don't have any suggestions for you to improve it. i like it the way it is. i say if YOU like this image and would like it in your gallery, then by all means, you should put it there!!! it's just really hard for me to give you feedback on "is it gallery worthy?". each person has different ideas and standards when it comes to posting an image in his/her gallery. i certainly think others would find this interesting and it's a well taken photograph, so why not??? :)