Hello Acadia With a little help from Little_Dragon I was able to do it. Little_Dragon pointed out these: A. Did you attach a gather node to the ground material's Ambient_Color channel, and set Ambient_Value to 1? B. For the Cylinder's material, did you choose an appropriate colour for Ambient_Color, and set its Ambient_Value to 1? C. Did you remember to enable raytracing in your render options? These were what i had.'t geaned from the Thread. Here is what i ended up with I used a Cylinder and applied a Fire mat to it. I used a mat Room Mat for the ground. A. The Render B. Mat Room Cylinder C. Mat room Ground I was finally able to get the Glow on the ground. Note: I have All Three (3) Poser Lights Turned off. Cheers DR
"That government is
best which governs the least, because its people discipline
Thomas Jefferson