RE: Jim's "I was hoping that GJ would become a substitute standard, with her low price and improvements, plus the fact she takes Jessi textures. One of her big advantages is she isnt a millenium figure, she has a different approach that Id like to think works better, at least in some ways." However, on the other hand, one of her biggest disadvantages is she isnt a millenium figure! ;-) Jim, I don't use the Daz UnimeshMillenium Characters at all any more. In fact, there is No Daz in my Poser 6 Runtime. I have the GJGG moprh with the lastest Update 2. Much like Richard, I think she is way to thin. She looks anorexic to me. Would love to see GJ gain a few pounds and more rounded shape. I just tried GJ again. You do great work, but I just couldn't adapt to GJessi. Cheers DR Jessi with a little rounder head.
"That government is
best which governs the least, because its people discipline
Thomas Jefferson