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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 26 8:04 pm)

Subject: Drow elf texture for SP3?

RedHawk ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:25 AM ยท edited Thu, 26 December 2024 at 10:15 AM

I've been searching for a drow (dark elf) texture for Steph and I can't seem to find one anywhere.... Free would be preferred, but I might consider a reasonably priced commercial texture if it looks good enough... ;)

<-insert words of wisdom here->

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:28 AM ยท edited Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:29 AM

Wasn't there something at Poser Pros?

If it's not for SP3, I think it can still be used being "unimesh". I know you can use Vicky textures on Aiko.

Message edited on: 03/06/2006 06:29

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

KarenJ ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:30 AM

Steph can take any texture made for V3, Laura, or Aiko (or even Mike or David for that matter but she might look a bit strange with chest hair!) Shamanka has a freebie Drow morph and texture here: Or if you search "Drow" in the Marketplace, there are several for V3, and one here by Morris specifically for S3P and David:

"you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:36 AM

That one by Morris and Lobo looks excellent!

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Silke ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:49 AM

Attached Link: at poser pro

It's not black, if you are looking for that, but I have this one and it's actually really nice.


Silke ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:50 AM

There is this one: at poser pro It's not black, if you are looking for that, but I have this one and it's actually really nice.


Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 6:58 AM

That's the same one as in the MP here, but it's on sale here so it's cheaper.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

rivkah ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 9:36 AM ยท edited Mon, 06 March 2006 at 9:45 AM

Elfenberry have/had a nice drow skin for V3( Belladona Nightshade) which you more then likely could use on Steph and its free. Unlike most drow skin on offer for free this one is black not dark blue or such. Or you could use the same advice i was given by mlevans

"If you aren't trying to make it to sell it but just want it for your own art, you can modify the texture maps for V3/Steph very easily. Just open the head and body maps up in Paintshop Pro or Photoshop and apply desaturation and gamma correction to them (I used these settings to come up with this: in the hue, saturation and lightness menu on the Master selection I set hue to -21, saturation to -73 and lightness to -14; then in gamma correction I set the red, green and blue to 0.42). You could play around with the numbers until you get what you're after."

Message edited on: 03/06/2006 09:43

Message edited on: 03/06/2006 09:45

rockets ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 11:41 AM

Pardon me for asking this. I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, just curious. What exactly is the attraction with these Drow textures? Is there some story about them or what? I've always been curious about this so thought I'd ask. :-)

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

destro75 ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 12:08 PM

You don't know what DROW ARE??? Where did you grow up!?!?! LOL, just kidding. Drow are dark skinned elves from a fantasy setting called the "Forgotten Realms". It is from Wizards of the Coast, formerly of TSR, makers of the Dungeons & Dragons game.

rockets ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 12:13 PM

Oh yeah, everybody should know that...NOT! Anyway, I'm glad I asked so I don't have to wonder anymore!

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

destro75 ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 2:12 PM

LOL, yeah, I guess it would be wierd if you had no clue what they were. References pop up all the time. It's actually funny, in regular life, those who know what Drow are fall into the geeky minority, but here, you are probably the outsider. Strange thang dis'ere intanat.

Petunia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 3:34 PM

Attached Link:

The best so far that I have bought is by Luciferino & Malefic for V3 (will work for SP3 too) they also made one for M3. I bought both and I am very happy with them both.

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 3:41 PM ยท edited Mon, 06 March 2006 at 3:43 PM

Attached Link:

> Quote - You don't know what DROW ARE??? Where did you grow up!?!?! > > LOL, just kidding. Drow are dark skinned elves from a fantasy setting called the "Forgotten Realms". It is from Wizards of the Coast, formerly of TSR, makers of the Dungeons & Dragons game.

LOL, and don't forget that they have a real language that you can learn. Years ago I actually took the time to learn it so I could effectively role play in an online game with people who played "Drow" characters.

Message edited on: 03/06/2006 15:43

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 3:49 PM

Attached Link:

If you want to cheat, you can use a translator though :)

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

rockets ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 4:03 PM

Nindel's ves bizarre! Translation = That's very bizarre! LOL

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 4:21 PM

Rockets ol's natha jivvin xanalress vel'drav dos inbau l' hang d' ol lu' xuat inbal ulu rely pholor natha translator. Ori'gato's usto doeb l' moderators lu' ser l' v'dre d' nindol thread wun Ilythiiri :)

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

rockets ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 5:30 PM

Wun response ulu dosst response Acadia, Usstan xuat talinth Dorn tangis' xo'a ulu inbau l' hang d' ol. LOL

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 5:37 PM

Wun response ulu dosst response ulu ussta response rockets, Usstan talinth dos ph' xunin fridj ula tangis' ka dos ph' cheating, hehe Drill t'yin 'sohna, ji tlun Usstan.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

rockets ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 7:18 PM

Wun response ulu dosst response d' ussta response ulu dosst response Acadia...F'sarn glad ulu nym'uer you're cheating ichl!

My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice!

Acadia ( ) posted Mon, 06 March 2006 at 8:19 PM

LOL. As with any language if you don't use it you lose it. And you can well imagine how difficult it is to find people who speak "Drow" to converse with, LOL

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

RedHawk ( ) posted Tue, 07 March 2006 at 4:28 AM

Wow! Who knew there were so many D&D geeks around here.... ;) Thanks for all the responses. Most of those I had seen before and rejected. Everyone knows, after all that Drow are "Ebon-skinned" not grey (Now Duergar, on the other hand...) or purpley-blue. The 'LM Dark Elves for V3' by Luciferino & Malefic is really good! I just might break down and buy that one. I think I'll try Rivkah's suggestion first, though. G'rftte, riluss!

<-insert words of wisdom here->

MissTara ( ) posted Wed, 08 March 2006 at 4:44 PM

You guys are leaving out possibly the most famous example of a drow. I speak, of course, of Drizzt Do'Urden. :D

destro75 ( ) posted Wed, 08 March 2006 at 6:56 PM

I didn't forget Drizzt, I just hate the drow, I hate elves too. I know, I am in the minority as far as D&D geekdom, but I just never liked the pointy eared freaks. (They were always too overpowering in the game, stat-wise.)

Acadia ( ) posted Wed, 08 March 2006 at 7:02 PM ยท edited Wed, 08 March 2006 at 7:02 PM

I think I'm the only one who ever tried D&D and absolutely hated the game. Back in my teens I went camping with a group from my school and we had a couple days of heavy rains and were confined to the cabin because outside was a mucky bog from the rain. Someone had brought D&D and a few set up to play and asked if anyone else wanted to join in. I decided to try it. OMG!!!!! It was never ending! LOL I tried to get myself killed off and couldn't. Someone finally took over my part because when I saw that it seemed to have no end in site I wanted out! LOL Give me a good game of Monopoly or Scrabble anytime.

Message edited on: 03/08/2006 19:02

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

AntoniaTiger ( ) posted Thu, 09 March 2006 at 4:12 AM

Drow, for me, are one of those things which let me bypass reality a little in the pictures I create. They're not-real in some obvious ways. Trouible is, the pics I created with Draw characters aren't up on that certain other Render$ site any more.

destro75 ( ) posted Thu, 09 March 2006 at 5:09 AM

Monopoly is never ending Acadia ;-) I love D&D. Ever since I was 10 years old. I still own all of my original "box sets" as well as my old AD&D books. Since Wizards put out version 3.5, I have bought 23 books, 18 of which are the hardbound books. I've spent more money on D&D in the past couple of years than I did as kid. I am a huge Dragonlance fan though. I still read new books in that setting, and I re-read the original stories at least once a year. The best part? No drow, and the elves have been chased out of their homes by minotaurs! LOL

AntoniaTiger ( ) posted Thu, 09 March 2006 at 6:47 AM

It's frightening to think of how long ago it was that I played D&D, but I've tended to prefer my own settings to what the publisher's produce. I suppose I know just enough history to be awkward about some of this stuff. Anyway, has anyone used Poser to make pictures for an RPG campaign? And, if you've tried, what's the most obviously missing prop or clothing item?

RedHawk ( ) posted Fri, 10 March 2006 at 4:15 AM

Just thinking back to my D&D days..... No dungeon crawler worth his salt goes campaigning without at least a 50 foot length of rope, a handful of iron spikes, vials of oil and holy water.....

<-insert words of wisdom here->

rivkah ( ) posted Tue, 21 March 2006 at 8:32 PM

Speaking of drows theres a free one here for Aiko i think it is . maybe the textures could be converted for use with Sp3 and V3

RedHawk ( ) posted Wed, 22 March 2006 at 6:07 AM

Thanks rivkah (and everyone else). I ended up purchasing "LM DARK ELVES" for V3 by Luciferino and Malefic. It's an awesome texture set..... and dirt cheap! It should do nicely.

<-insert words of wisdom here->

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