Forum: Fractals

Subject: Using Apophysis 1.01 files in 2.0

vikinglady opened this issue on Mar 20, 2006 ยท 6 posts

Rykk posted Tue, 21 March 2006 at 7:09 AM

I've tried to use Apo 1 files in Apo 2.02c a few times and was able to get them reasonably correct. I did note that, when opened in 2.02c, they seemed grainier and were sometimes zoomed/positioned differently. Also, since Apo 1 never "remembered" the gradient used when you saved the flame, Apo 2.02c would usually open them with the first gradient in the "stock" ones that came with Apo 1 - the light blue and white one with some tan. "Nude Sunbather", or something like that it was called. It was nothing that you couldn't fix, though, so long as you remember which grad was used. Mine are mostly "landscaping" flames I've exported to UF, so I can always open the Gradient Editor and see which one I used. Hmmm......nude......sunbather.......high 2day to be 84 degF...........must find binoculars and sneak up to Canaveral National Seashore! lol Rick