In x2000's restaurant:-
- Oi, if you're the mtre d', you said you were booked solid for every time we tried to book this place for our dinner, but I don't see many customers in here now, and there weren't the other times we passed.
Er, their plane's late, the airport rang, they'll be coming.
- And every time?
And you'd want the place exclusive, I couldn't put other customers in the spare seats. And too much risk you'd get a call-out at the last minute and I'd be left with all the food cooked and I'd have to give it to the Aunt Sally [= Salvation Army] or something like when next door booked some firemen two months ago. Sorry, I don't take bulk bookings from uniforms who may get called out. And where's my doorman?
- Your bouncer's under arrest for obstructing and assaulting Sea Patrol. We have permanent right of entry everywhere except a few secret Armed Forces areas. Here's the list of what we're ordering. We'll be back with all the men in an hour for it.
Steak au poivre - cres suzettes - etc etc, what's all this fancy stuff you want!? You can see above my head what's on our list. I don't like waterfront thugs in riotsquad uniforms barging in giving orders, and I didn't like seeing nine tons of good nearly-new sport diving gear including mine and seven RIB's vanishing into your fragmenter at one of your surrender points, and no soundproofing to stop us from hearing it being ground up.
And my heli-backpack. (And see the email group
Message edited on: 03/25/2006 02:01